With streaming services dominating the media landscape it has been common over the last few years to unplug from cable TV and hear “Netflix and Chill” in the pop-culture lexicon. But no streaming service has created a way to watch programming with friends and family members together even when they are far away. That is when I created some ownable language around the Hulu streaming service. “Hulu and Hang.” Combining the same sort of video and chat capabilities that we see on platforms like Google Chat I wanted to create a simple way to setup a movie night with your friends and family that live all over the country.
Introducing Hulu Awards, Shuffle and Hulu Hangouts.
Not only can movie night happen anywhere, anytime, on any device – but you can earn rewards just by watching content. The more movies you watch the more points you can build up to redeem for exclusive content such as behind-the-scene footage, commentary tracks and early viewing parties for Hulu Original series just to name a few things. Some lucky fans will be selected to attend red carpet premieres for Hulu Originals. The more Hangouts you host the better chance of winning!
If you are having a hard time picking a film we will check your previous viewing habits along with a short quiz to help us determine the correct programming recommendations for your group with Hulu Shuffle.
All culminating for a movie night with friends and family that is fun and rewarding.
Homepage & User Dashboard
Film Details & Hulu Hangout
Users setup a Hulu Hangout similar to a Facebook events page. They pick a film and invite other friends that have Hulu accounts to join. Once they select a film they pick a date and time for the screening to take place. Users can view the page at any time to accept, decline or check on the status of the screening. The friends list will be displayed after your event is setup to see who has accepted or declined your invitation. Then the countdown begins to movie night. When the film begins you will be asked to launch your Hangout and a chat window will be in your video player.
During the Hulu Hangout all of your friends and family will be streaming and viewing the movie at the same time. There will be a chat window you can expand and collapse during the movie to chat about the film. It’s un-intrusive and lets you know when a new comment has been posted with an alert at the top of the screen. When the credits roll you can turn the video player into a video chat with your friends and family to discuss the film.

Hangout & Episodic Listing
At any time during the experience you can scroll down to see film details, who still hasn’t joined the Hangout and how many rewards points you have in your account.
You can also see what an episodic TV series listing may look like. Since we live in a binge culture you may want to devour the latest Hulu Original in one night. Instead of talking to your friends about episodes you can experience them together and have real-time discussion.